Sunday 15 June 2014

Using Your Summer Wisely

Hello Everyone!

Summer holidays are vastly approaching and I was having a reflection about my summer last year. Looking back I did use my summer wisely to prepare for my final year but I think there is always room for improvement and I would have done a few things slightly different.

The end of my summer 2013 comprised of my summer vacation to Los Angeles. Naturally I was on a complete high and a few days after returning to the UK I would be starting my final year. Throughout the summer I had put a lot of thought into my dissertation but when returning to university it was a complete shock to the system about how much we actually had to do. It was scary and made a lot of us completely anxious because we wanted to do well and failing wasn't on the cards for us. I had mixed emotions about my dissertation topic and only came to a conclusion days before I started my final year after handfuls of email correspondents with lecturers. It wasn't something I had intended to do but I had a slight idea of what topic I wanted to research, it was just applying it to something I would enjoy researching and writing for the next 6+ months, but also thinking about what business access I could utilise for my qualitative interviews.

Something I started whilst on summer vacation was a LinkedIn profile. I had always seen people going on about it and my Dad uses it for his business so I thought why not?! Add another social media to the ever growing list. I remember being in my first lecture back after the summer and my lecturer made a comment about LinkedIn being a vital business tool and we should all be utilising it. He asked us to raise our hands if we had already been using it and I got so excited because I literally had been, so I whipped my hand up straight away, so sad of me but i was so proud haha! I was a little shocked out of a substantially large business management class that i was the only student with a LinkedIn profile! I definitely advise you look into'll be one step ahead when returning to university haha. I might even do a completely new post relating to it because it was something we looked into with my additional E-Business Management unit and i have really been exploring it recently for jobs and networking.

I just wanted to write a post and express how important the last few weeks of summer are in regards to preparation. Don't get me wrong summer is still meant for de-stressing and of course having fun, just don't forget the little things that could mean a whole lot in the end. Getting your creative and knowledgeable juices flowing to prepare yourself for your final year or any year in fact.

I will leave you on that note :)

Speak soon!

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