Tuesday 6 May 2014

My Top University Choices

Hello Everyone,

Today's post is going to be a little throw back to when i was in the process of applying for university. After deciding what course i wanted to study I had to compile a list of five university choices i wanted to go to. It seems like forever ago when i applied for university now so i was actually struggling to remember which Universities i actually applied for. However, after a little trip down memory lane i figured out my top five Universities were….

My top 5:
University of Bedfordshire
University of Hertfordshire
London Metropolitan University
Kings College
Oxford Brookes University 

I was very fortunate and was accepted to study a Business Management course at each university i applied for. Narrowing down my choices to my firm and insurance choice was a little trickier for me, purely because i had to finally make the decision about whether i wanted to stay and study at home at the University of Bedfordshire or venture out to study at one of the remaining four.

After much deliberation i narrowed my top two down too…

Firm Choice - University of Bedfordshire
Insurance - University of Hertfordshire 

So, as you can see from the two choices above, i decided to stay local to study my Business Management degree. For me deciding to stay at home was the best choice. I know people who have gone to university and wanted to transfer back to a local university after the first semester. It's not a bad thing staying local because for me my timetables were so chippy choppy i could go home throughout the day in an environment i knew, study and relax and then head back into university. Sometimes when we think of a university that is on our doorstep we think it might not necessarily be any good but for what i wanted the University of Bedfordshire was perfect for me. I was still able to work and continue my blogging venture at home.

My insurance choice was Hertfordshire because it was the second closest university to home. However, to be completely honest i knew i was going to get into Bedfordshire University because i had over 400 UCAS points and I even got an academic scholarship bursary the first year i attended the university based on my grades.

Overall i am extremely pleased with my firm choice and i cannot believe on the 27th May my university journey will be over. Never the less i have already been thinking of studying a Master Degree at the university. I have spoken to countless students and lecturers who really suggest going straight into a masters as University life is still quite fresh in your mind. I will keep you all updated on that one though! So…the rest is history really…here i am handing in my dissertation tomorrow and ready to venture out into the real world soon.

Good luck with making your choices!

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