Friday 27 December 2013

Portfolio Committee of Business Systems Meeting


You may or may not know that i am one half of the Business Management Student Representation this year alongside my friend Kirsty. We attend regular meetings every two weeks where we share issues that other students have come to us with and basically find answers and get things resolved. Myself and Kirsty got an email about a Portfolio Committee of Business Systems Meeting which was taking place on the Luton campus last week (4th December) and we thought we would go along and give our input on the course and raise anything that other students have come to us with…pretty much a standard meeting, however, in the presence of more influential people within the Business School.

We were really looking forward to the meeting as it is something we have never done before and we were hoping for the best possible outcome. However, what we experienced was a steep learning curve in being able to get our points across and getting others to understand how passionate we felt about the issues in hand. It was a challenge to get our voices heard, especially when there are lots of other members of staff and students there voicing their challenges too. No one said that being a student was easy, but we did leave the meeting feeling a little disappointed as it hadn't been as successful as we had first hoped. Not one to be deterred, myself and Kirsty attend regular meetings and we are hoping to raise this issue and figure out why everything spiralled at the meeting. From a business perspective every side will have an opinion and it is a great learning opportunity on our part as when we graduate we would hope to be high up in businesses just like the committee. Communication is a vital component and it is something that is constantly required in business.

We will keep you all posted…

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